Botanical Postcards Set of 3: 100% Proceeds Donated
$ 10.00
This variant is currently sold out
Queer liberation would not have happened without the activism of a Black trans woman- Marsha P. Johnson- along with many other BIPOC. The riots at Stonewall resulted in change for the queer community, and we owe it to BIPOC leadership to have anything to celebrate at all.
There have been several iterations of the Pride flag since Stonewall, but this version is inspired by the "Progress" flag that was reimagined by Daniel Quasar, to include Black & Brown stripes for POC and the turquoise/pink/white from the Trans flag- both these additions in the shape of an arrow moving forward, indicating where we need more focus right now.
This set was originally made for Pride 2020 -- a pivotal moment in our time. A moment when there is hopefully a critical mass acknowledgement that racism is inherently part of this country's history, and each one of us (white folks) are complicit in upholding the racist framework. We're complicit in allowing police brutality against Black people to continue without demanding change. It's high time we all say enough is enough and dismantle racism within ourselves, and the fabric of society.
Since my botanical art is one of the well received parts of my work, I created a flag out of flowers. I also created the solidarity fist for Black Lives Matter on a black circle, and the solitary fist on a Trans flag circle. I had them printed as postcards, and 100% of the proceeds will go to a rotating roster of organizations that support QBIPOC.
Since this set was released in June of 2020, we've raised over $1000 to distribute to:
National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network